145 East Circle Drive
Lexington, SC  29072-9736

Phone (803) 359-7887        Fax (803) 359-3996

About Arthur De Gennaro

Arthur De Gennaro, known as Art to his friends, has worked in the
optical industry almost all of his working life.  Over the past 25 years he
has been a middle management or senior executive for 4 of the 'Top 100'
optical companies in the U.S, 2 of which were in the 'Top 10'.  He has
had profit and loss responsibility for literally hundreds of optical
dispensaries, using a mixture of time honored and creative methods to
make them maximally profitable.

Arthur's accomplishments include 11 straight record profit years as CEO,
the creation of the oldest and most successful managed eyecare network
in South Carolina and the creation of successful co-management
relationships between MDs and ODs.  His years of experience in strategic
planning, multi-site retail store operations, marketing, professional
relations, optical dispensing, human resource management,
manufacturing, purchasing and distribution give him a unique
perspective of the profession.

Art is the author of the book
The Dispensing Ophthalmologist, which is
published by and available from the American Academy of
Ophthalmology.  In addition,  in 2008 Art received an Achievement
Award for his many contributions to the Academy.

Art lectures extensively throughout the United States where his
straight-to-the-point style has made him a favorite presenter. He has
served as Optical Track Chairperson for ASOA and presented
Subspecialty Day programs for AAOE.  

Art's work has taken him to Canada, Mexico, Micronesia and South
America.  He is a regular contributor to a wide variety of ophthalmology,
optometry and optical industry publications. Art has taught ophthalmic
dispensing at New York City Technical College and is a licensed optician
in 3 states.
Arthur De Gennaro
145 East Circle Drive
Lexington, SC  29072-9736

Phone (803) 359-7887        Fax (803) 359-3996
145 East Circle Drive
Lexington, SC  29072-9736

Phone (803) 359-7887        Fax (803) 359-3996